36 lb common caught couple of days ago by Dave 'the Minnow'
Carl Tipler with a MASSIVE 59lb 12oz Common
Carl Tipler with a lovely ZIP Linear one of a recent almighty catch
Not all the fish are MASSIVE but this a particularly fat 9lb common for Barry.
Barry Hancock with a lovely 37lb Common
Rick with a 54lb Common part of a monumental 4 fish catch!
Rick with a 53lb Mirror part of a monumental 4 fish catch!
Rick with a 40lb Common part of a monumental 4 fish catch!
Rick with a 20lb Mirror part of a monumental 4 fish catch!
Ryan Sargeant with a lovely looking 26lb Mirror
Dan Mitchell with the big GHOSTIE at 39LB
Dave Farmer with the GHOSTIE at 40lb 4oz
Dave Farmer with the very rarely caught 'Starburst Mirror' @ 25lb 10oz
Rob Young with 23lb 6oz of Scaley One
Chris Taylor with the 'MIGHTY' wart at 57lb!
Chris Taylor with the one and only Nick @ 47lb
Brian from SPOMB with a mint 33lb'er
Dean Robinson with one of the Fully Scaled's @ 25lb 6ozs
Dean Robinson with the mighty 'Nick' at 45lb 12ozs
Dave Farmer with a 44lb Common, 1st night back after an 8 month Holiday!!
Mr Stent with the Big Ghostie at 40lb 4ozs
John with Cut Tail @ 44lb - Hadn't graced the banks for over a year!!
John Bartley with a 35lb 6oz common from a quick overnighter.
Carl Milton with Nick - 44lb
Carl Milton 14lb linear
Carl Milton 14lb Common
James Carr 23lb 4oz Mirror
Josh Belton 26lb 12oz
James Carr 23 lbs mirror
James Carr 20lb 2oz
Gavin Love - 13lb 2oz
James Carr 'Horseshoe' at 45lb 8oz
Dave has just had Wart @ 56lb this morning...
Steve Gurka with 'Lee Jackson' at 57lb
A beautiful 24lb 8oz chunky scaley mirror in the sunshine
Look at the football! 24lb of round common
John Bartley with a stunning 21lb Linear
Stuart Mullin with the 'Mighty' WART at 55lb 12oz's
Leanne with Jacko @ 63lb 4oz
Barry Gravel with the legend that is 'Nick' at 45lb on the money
Barry Gravel with one of our MASSIVE common's (wart) @ 54lb
Tony Cole with the Horseshoe Mirror at 42lb 8oz
Tony Cole with an awesome 37lb Ghostie
The Coleman strikes again with the beautiful 'Horseshoe' @ 42lb
James Coleman with 'Nick' at 44lb 8oz
James Coleman with 'Lee Jackson' @ 57lb 3oz's Carp Talk cover shot 28-5/3-6 2014
Barry Gravell catches the 'smaller' Chag at 27lb. Warms a chilly start at 06.50am...
Chris - Wart at 50lb 4oz
Steve Gurka with Nick at 45lb 2oz
Dug off the Top at 42lb 8oz's
Dave Farmer with Wart @ 53lb 7oz's - What a season he's had
Strawberry strikes again with Harry Clarke
Another Strawberry submarine
Dave the Bailiff with an early morning monster!
James Smith with a Perch, we also have these and they are HUGE
Jack Henderson with a MASSIVE common
They aren't all massive, we have some new fish coming on but pure QUALITY - 15lb 8ozs
Kevin Cornelius - 'Wart' 52lb 4oz
Mike with 'Nick' at 39lb 10ozs way back in 2006
Dave the Bailiff with a MINT common
Harry Clarke - Two Tone at 49lb
Pete and a 30lb Grassy
Gavin Love with a not so small 'stockie'
Chris with 'Wart' at 50lb 4oz
Carl - 'Son of chag' 21lb 14oz
Carl - 15lb scaly mirror - 27th April 2013
Dave with 'Lee Jackson' at 57lb 4ozs - The biggest day ticket common.